Thursday, March 25, 2010

Event and stuff

I couldn't post in awhile because the event required me to be logged on all the time.
Cherrie and I tried to be logged on the whole time but had a few disconnections. We got a decent amount of stuff though. This is what we got:

3 ammys
2 armor
8 blood
9 gloves
10 scales

Cherrie was also able to get 10 crystal of bravery. Haven't decided which weapon to try and make but it will probably be the sword.

A few random boss drops:

This is Berrie on the top 10 list for Werldern DM. My time on the list was very very short but I have a SS to prove it ^^

This is Berrie finishing Werldern DM all by himself. Too bad I couldn't get any hero marks because I had to hide in the corner.

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