Tuesday, April 28, 2009


As usual I've been hunting on FI mostly. This is a cheap Gmino I convinced Cherrie to log on for.
I hunt on FI on my elf using 3 pets. I bought an Inferno that was level 46 and maybe 30%. Here is his hp and mp.
I finally got it to level up and thought wow 13hp ^^
Now the danger of hunting in Mino area with pets is the possibitliy of Gmino spawning and killing them QQ which is what happened and my Inferno deleveled. I didn't get a ss of him deleveled but when he leveled up again he had even more hp ^^ He lost an mp though.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2xp Event

As most of you know there was a Experience Event that lasted 1 week. Originally it was supposed to be 5 days but it lasted the whole week because they couldn't figure out how to restore exp from the previous weeks problems.
I started with this %

Hunted mostly on elf. A little on TOS and mostly on FI. Got a couple of things while hunting.
I was able to convince Cherrie to log on to kill Gmino once.

And finally I ended up with this %

That's a gain of around 33%. It's not much considering the event was on for a week but it's pretty good for me ^^