Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Long time o.o

Been a long time since my last update. I haven't been doing much. Just playing a little here and there. Just killed a few bosses here and there too.

This Beleth was from today with Syrana.

Also got a couple of DKs.

I had alot of ss from the last event and stuff but too lazy to post those. That's it for now.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Nothing much going on in Lineage. Here are just some random ss of things I have been doing.

This GMino killed my pet... I think he drank all the pots my pet was holding and basically just dropped his Soul.

I got 1 Sacred Wing Feather as a drop when it was put in game. But now that they fixed the drop for it a couple of weeks ago, I have gotten 30 feathers.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Level up

I leveled up my mage but a very bad screenshot o.o Can't really see the blue glow.

This was last Aden siege. We lost Aden but was a good siege.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Well sieges have been getting fun since alot of Delta ppl came back. SLM had lost Aden a few sieges back and we tried to take back but couldn't a couple of times. I knew we were going to try again today but I could not make it back from a meeting that ran late QQ. I logged on to find out I missed a big fun siege and SLM was able to take Aden back ^^.

A couple of pics from a siege we tried and failed a couple of sieges ago:
This is from the siege we lost at Giran...

This really annoyed me. I'm an earth elf for 1 reason... for siege. Otherwise I would be wind for faster leveling or water for party hunts.

Also he asks why I run... He's a level 69+ mage and I was being chased by him, ZWarlordZ and Sexielf for most of the time we were sieging. A level 69+ DE and 55+ elf. I was getting erased, canceled, silenced, decay pot, and hit with spells and a strong DE... Am I supposed to stand there and die? And he's in BK morph chasing me the whole siege.

And as an earth elf, should I just eskin ppl and stand there and watch ppl fight? I'll do that the next time you just stand there and heal.

I also hardly used ebind at siege until recently when we are being outnumbered or when there are a large number of ppl to help turn the numbers in our favor. That's part of sieging.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Event and stuff

I couldn't post in awhile because the event required me to be logged on all the time.
Cherrie and I tried to be logged on the whole time but had a few disconnections. We got a decent amount of stuff though. This is what we got:

3 ammys
2 armor
8 blood
9 gloves
10 scales

Cherrie was also able to get 10 crystal of bravery. Haven't decided which weapon to try and make but it will probably be the sword.

A few random boss drops:

This is Berrie on the top 10 list for Werldern DM. My time on the list was very very short but I have a SS to prove it ^^

This is Berrie finishing Werldern DM all by himself. Too bad I couldn't get any hero marks because I had to hide in the corner.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


As most of you probably know Sk8 has decided to quit Lineage QQ.
Things change and I hope the best for him whatever he moves on to. He played the game the way he wanted and a lot of people blamed him for stuff whether it was his fault or not. He is probably one of the best Lineage players that I have seen play. Whether it was leveling, sieging, killing bosses, or just plain making money, he was great at it. I believe Ken server lost a great member of its community.
With that said, it's really hard to completely quit Lineage so I hope he will be back some day soon ^^. Until then I hope our blood pledge will stay together.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Last week I was a bit laggy and bored so I decided to try my luck with the new enchant book.