Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Pledge

It's been awhile since I posted. Mainly because there's nothing really going on. And I wasn't playing that much as well. I keep playing Starcraft instead o.o Anyways another reason for not posting was because of Test server. Boss event is on Test but everytime I log on to Test and log off, I can't log back on to Test or Live servers. As a result I had to reinstall lineage many times and all my screenshots kept getting deleted.
I decided to stop trying test... On Ken I decided to join Sk8's pledge Linstyle. Lineage was getting boring and I thought maybe being in a pledge with ppl would help.
Here is the first siege I attended at Giran. Nothing much happened.
This is Aden siege. Nothing happened here as well QQ

This is my first Knight Vald ^^

I think Darkspells found him.