Monday, December 17, 2007

Old Friends

I've had these dobermans ever since i can remember playing lineage on Ken server. I first tamed them with my first character that happened to be a knight. Then I made my mage XMagiX and leveled them on lizardmen then hunted with them in antcaves. Back then antcaves was so good for making money so I hunted there exclusively. As I slowly ventured to different hunting areas I started to solo hunt and stopped using them. But eventually I made my elf Berrie and once again needed their help on hunts. I leveled to 52+ on elf hunting with them mostly in FV. They helped me reach a level I thought I would never reach and I helped them reach a level I thought they would never reach.

I was so proud when they leveled to 48 ^^ I believe evolved pets all talk now when you blow the pet whistle. But back then it was rare to see a pet that can speak. I almost lost them once long ago because I left them on TOI 23 to hold drops and when I came back a mop must have killed them because I received a message saying something weird about my dogs. I can't remember now but I ran back to check on them and they were gone. I felt like quitting lineage after that but I contacted NC support and they did a 1 time restoration for me. ^^ Go NC~~
Anyways I stopped playing my elf to start leveling my mage and even when I do play elf alot of places are not good for hunting with pets so I haven't used them in a long time. When the ability to evolve them came out I could not bring myself to evolve them back to level 1. But now I am seriously thinking about it. I even made 2 Fruit of evolution and I am still thinking about it. Thank you Jesy for your help in finding Raidar :)

I'll let you guys know if I decide to evovle them ^^


Anonymous said...

I wish I could evolve my level 47(was lvl 48 but didn't know pets lost 13% on DI -.-) doberman but I did what Jesy did because I was so used to hunting with my spirit or on mage I dismissed thinking I was collecting(was very sleepy). Just keep in mind that they will be very strong if you were to evolve them and take them to 48 again!


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. I know how it must feel to lose a pet. Although I got them back, the week or so it took to get them back was horrible. I'm glad they finally took out the dismiss option for pets. I would love to just evolve them and raise them up again... but I play mage mostly now and not sure if I can ever raise them to 48 again. So, I dunno if I want to evolve them just yet.

Soomy said...

i have dobermans that i tamed and raised too since when i first joined ken. i named two of them after my real life dogs :) i don't hunt with them now but i take them out for walk time to time in fv :P they are like treasures to me and i also haven't evolved them since i don't think i can ever level them again.