A few days ago I was invited to a hunt to Lastavad and it was ok I guess since this was my first time going to the 4th floor. I took ss of guys I thought were the bosses ^^ it was hard to tell for me sometimes. We didn't kill the bosses in time I guess and were kicked out. I guess we needed 1 more person to do it or maybe if I knew what I was doing QQ. Oh yeah, it was me Sexielf, Soomyung, and Mersia. Thanks for the hunt~

Dep Server:
I got a whisper from monitor while hunting in the new TOS area. So much pressure to get the questions right o.o I had to look up what my morph was called and had to do some quick math too. I didn't put the ss of it but he also asked me how many percent till my next level... I didn't know how exact he wanted it so I was trying to figure it out to 4 decimal places while fighting 5 mops... anyway. Good job on checking ppl. I'm glad you're checking.
I also finally did my level 15 and 30 quests for elf. I had to ingredients to do the 15 quest but couldn't remember who to talk with to get it. That's because lineagedb.com is not working atm. Someone had put up a link that works to lineagedb on the Lin boards and I was able to finally do it.
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