Today Cherrie and I were still at Grave Shipyard. We decided to see if the guys we killed yesterday and... we found Chief Mermaid. We decided to kill the 2 Ugly Mermaids he usually comes with but he disappeared when we did that o.o I think you're not supposed to kill both of them first. Anyways we killed him and got cdai. The things here seem to only drop cursed scrolls.

While searching for the Great King Squid, we noticed there weren't many mops to kill here. Until we came to this area where they all must hang out o.o We stayed here for maybe 20min killing non stop but there were too many and they keeped spawning so we left.

And we found the guy we were looking for ^^ If you look you can see the animation of the Werewolf doll when Cherrie gets the boost in damage.
This next part is about what we did for the rest of the time today. We were trying to make another doll for me (preferably the Succubus Doll). Cherrie on her elf fishing for a Rare Turtle when she got a whisper from Monitor o.o I guess they were checking to see if she was a bot. I'm glad they are checking ppl fishing ^^ Cherrie was not able to find a turtle though and I ended up buying it from Starknight for 3.2m

Cherrie wanted to save up for 2 suprise boxes from the pet matches because she thought it was unlucky to open 1 at a time. She already got junk from like 5 or 6 boxes before but her luck changed~~~ 2 Seals~!

After that we gathered up ingredients and made the spice. We couldn't decided who should go get the doll. I'm usually not lucky in things but we decided since she did it last time and got what she wanted, it would be up to me. And.... OMG~

Cherrie wanted to save up for 2 suprise boxes from the pet matches because she thought it was unlucky to open 1 at a time. She already got junk from like 5 or 6 boxes before but her luck changed~~~ 2 Seals~!

After that we gathered up ingredients and made the spice. We couldn't decided who should go get the doll. I'm usually not lucky in things but we decided since she did it last time and got what she wanted, it would be up to me. And.... OMG~
After putting alot of time into this I can really say that was a great feeling.
This is a family portrait of us and our dolls o.o
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